To create an invoice you need to click the Invoice+ button

Select a Client by clicking on it

Select your products/services which you want to add to the invoice

If you want to edit the product/service before sending (increase quantity, modify the price, add a discount, etc.) just click on it.

Select the payment method, or add a new one. Also, you can add a default payment method to a client if someone always pays with the same method.

Modify the Date and the Due date, and add it to a Category if you want
Why useful to add the invoices into categories? You can filter the business statistics to categories, so you will be see a more clearer picture of your business, if you kepp everything nice and organized.

When the Invoice is ready to go, you can Save (complete the invoice) Save and Send (send the invoice to the client via e-mail) Save and print (download the invoice as pdf then you can print it) or Export as PDF (export the Invoice as PDF)

If you select the Save and Send option you can rewrite the e-mail Subject and Body, or leave it as default.
You can modify the default e-mail body, if you don't like our default text, or want to make it more personal

You can reach your invoices any time anywhere if you click here. And you can resend and redownload your invoices again, anytime you want.